Jlynott: Isle of May Lighthouse
Jlynott: Hydroids (Plumularia setacea?)
Jlynott: Dead man's Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) on large boiler
Jlynott: Dead man's Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) on large boiler
Jlynott: Keith photographing the boiler
Jlynott: Dead man's Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) on large boiler
Jlynott: Boiler Fire Doors
Jlynott: Boiler Fire Door
Jlynott: Boiler Fire Tubes
Jlynott: Dead Man's Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) on the boiler
Jlynott: Sponge (Leucosolenia sp.)
Jlynott: Sponge (Leucosolenia sp.) & Bryozoan (Exidmonea atlantica)
Jlynott: Feather Star arms (Antedon bifida)
Jlynott: Bryozoan (Bugulina flabellata)
Jlynott: Bryozoan (Bugulina flabellata)
Jlynott: Doris pseudoargus
Jlynott: Velvet Swimming Crab (Necora puber)
Jlynott: Beautiful Fan Weed (Callophyllis laciniata)
Jlynott: Safety Stop
Jlynott: White Cross Jellyfish (Staurophora mertensi)
Jlynott: White Cross Jellyfish (Staurophora mertensi)
Jlynott: Isle of May
Jlynott: Puffins
Jlynott: Puffins
Jlynott: Puffins
Jlynott: Isle of May Lighthouse
Jlynott: Foghorn & Lighthouse
Jlynott: Northern tip of Isle of May
Jlynott: Doris pseudoargus
Jlynott: Prop of the Anlaby