Jlynott: Leaving Gallanach Bay
Jlynott: Cliffs on Southern Mull, Sron nam boc
Jlynott: Approaching Malcolm's Point
Jlynott: South Mull cliffs, Aoineadh Mor
Jlynott: Stone Arch & Cave at Malcolm's Point
Jlynott: Malcolm's Point
Jlynott: Ken
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Corals (Caryophyllia smithii)
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Corals (Caryophyllia smithii)
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Corals (Caryophyllia smithii)
Jlynott: Devonshire Cup Corals (Caryophyllia smithii) & Stag Horn Bryozoan (Porella compressa)
Jlynott: Hydroids (Nemertesia ramosa?)
Jlynott: Hydroids (Nemertesia ramosa?)
Jlynott: Mix of hydroids (Aglaophenia tubulifera...), bryozoan, squirts (Ascidia mentula), and cup corals
Jlynott: Hydroids (Aglaophenia tubulifera)
Jlynott: Sponges (Pachymatisma johnstonia & Hymedesmia paupertas)
Jlynott: Sea Cucumber (Pawsonia saxicola)
Jlynott: Sea Cucumber (Aslia lefevrei)
Jlynott: Sea Cucumber (Aslia lefevrei)
Jlynott: Sea Cucumber (Aslia lefevrei)
Jlynott: Two-spotted Clingfish (Diplecogaster bimaculata)
Jlynott: Two-spotted Clingfish (Diplecogaster bimaculata)
Jlynott: Spider Crab (Inachus sp.)
Jlynott: Red Seaweeds on Kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) stipe
Jlynott: Hydroids (Sertularia argenta) and red seaweeds on a kelp stipe (Laminaria hyperborea)
Jlynott: Entry Point
Jlynott: Steve & Callum going in
Jlynott: Ken at the prop of the Meldon
Jlynott: Sagartia elegans var. miniata on the prop blade
Jlynott: Ken & the prop of the Meldon