cityNnature: gas station, looking up
cityNnature: rockhouse pentecostal church in kentucky
cityNnature: blue ridge parkway - ridge junction overlook
cityNnature: the casino on lake tahoma
cityNnature: twin tunnels - blue ridge parkway
cityNnature: no trespassing
cityNnature: retired jags
cityNnature: electric!
cityNnature: babbling brook
cityNnature: (1) life for half the trip..
cityNnature: (2) then, while driving along, this lake popped into view
cityNnature: (3) and as you can see, we didn't drive 20mph on the curves
cityNnature: falling water
cityNnature: stairway
cityNnature: all aboard the Charleston Express
cityNnature: couple
cityNnature: your move
cityNnature: rusty chain
cityNnature: washed up
cityNnature: moon shot
cityNnature: cave woman!
cityNnature: Shenandoah National Park
cityNnature: moo cows
cityNnature: signs (+1 in comments)