Helena de Riquer: Todos somos griegos
@Tuncay: OnceUponATimeInSofia
manu barcelo: Shoot and Run II
StephanieB.: The guardian of the Petit-Palais
Sorin Mutu: Island in the fog [Explore]
MaNgO22: 396th Days
strobist: Grand Central Underpass, New York City
sylvanbobcat: Geothermal Pool [Explored]
angeljimenez: City Lights
cuellar: Abismo
Emilio Rodríguez Álvarez: Middle-Earth. La Tierra Media.
Trey Ratcliff: Under the Eiffel
cindyloughridge: museum girl
Jinna van Ringen: Leaving For Paris
Rich pick: Prague Oct 2007 HDR
i_am_curiouskiwi: Front Pages of History
Fedemdp: Fierro azulado
cuellar: Champ de Mars
GadiHext: Lake Orta
cuellar: Kingdom tales
cuellar: The last fortress
Philippe Sainte-Laudy: River of ice
JayPatelPhotography: Heaven's Gate
Nino H: Porte St-Louis - Québec