An Overlay of My Parents' Wedding Day Photo in front of Danforth Chapel, taken in front of Danforth Chapel
Me with the photo of my parents in the entranceway of Danforth Chapel on their wedding day, standing in the same spot in the entranceway of Danforth Chapel
Me with the photo of my parents on the path in front of Danforth Chapel on their wedding day, standing in approximately the same spot along the path in front of Danforth Chapel
Overlay Photo of my Parents on the path in front of Danforth Chapel, taken in front of the path in front of Danforth Chapel
My father helping my mother along the path to Danforth Chapel on their way to get married, August 26, 1964.
Overlaying the photo of my parents walking to the chapel in approximately the same place where the photo was taken, 55 years later