jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.01a: Bass Drummer and The Chicken
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.02a: Warming Up in the Combs Lot
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.03: Waiting for the Parade to Start
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.04a: Joe Keeps Everyone in Line
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.05a: Parade Route at the Intersection of Lancaster and Barnes Mill
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.06a: First Methodist Church Float
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.07a: Marching Down the Center of Lancaster Avenue
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.08a: Lance Does the Moonwalk
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.09: Everyone Almost Exactly in Step
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.10a: Crossing the Drumsticks
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.10b: Crossing the Drumsticks
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.11: Alternate Shot of the Percussionists
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.12a: Marching Past Irvine-McDowell Park
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.13: First Methodist Church Float Turns onto Main Street
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.14a: MHS Band in front of the Fire Station (1/5)
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.15a: MHS Band in front of the Fire Station (2/5)
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.16a: MHS Band in front of the Fire Station (3/5)
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.17a: MHS Band in front of the Fire Station (4/5)
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.18a: MHS Band in front of the Fire Station (5/5)
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.19a: Past the Bar and the Liquor Store and the VW Repair Place
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.20a: The Turn at Main and Collins Street
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.21a: The Marching Band in Front of Ernie's
jlkwak: Tri-X Files 84_31.22a: Bert Back in the Band Room