jlevinger: Jared's Zamalek balcony
jlevinger: Mosque in Tahrir square that was used as field hospital
jlevinger: Martyrs memorial
jlevinger: Layers of meaning
jlevinger: Anti sexual harrassment art
jlevinger: Sweet 3D font
jlevinger: Jared at mural wall
jlevinger: Jared interviewing Moussa Moustafa Moussa
jlevinger: Cardboard city model at CLUSTER
jlevinger: Sisi and Cena
jlevinger: Beware the Robot Uprising
jlevinger: Documenting the action
jlevinger: Talaat Harb Square
jlevinger: Lighting a Flare
jlevinger: Oakland Egypt solidarity
jlevinger: Mural Pan
jlevinger: Protest at Talaat Harb
jlevinger: Coffee by the sea
jlevinger: Egyptian Dive Bar
jlevinger: Gathering the crowd
jlevinger: Anonymous is everywhere
jlevinger: Syndicate of Journalists
jlevinger: Perched in a Tree
jlevinger: Standing atop the crowd
jlevinger: I can't hear you
jlevinger: Zamalek Dusk
jlevinger: Burned NDP Building
jlevinger: Picnic at al-Azhar Park
jlevinger: Smoggy Cairo Sunset