jlevinger: Hannah Reflecting
jlevinger: Double portrait with bad haircut
jlevinger: Hannah cooling off in WW2 Memorial
jlevinger: Camel on Mall
jlevinger: Hannah in National Archives
jlevinger: In front of the Constitution
jlevinger: Squinting at the sun
jlevinger: Oyster Part 1: Dread
jlevinger: Oyster Part 1: Taste
jlevinger: Oyster Part 1: Disgust
jlevinger: Blurry in front of the White House
jlevinger: Capybara at the Zoo
jlevinger: Hippo coming up for air
jlevinger: H and Elephant
jlevinger: H and Elephants
jlevinger: Gorillas
jlevinger: Me and the LEM
jlevinger: Me and the Shuttle Enterprise
jlevinger: H with SR-71
jlevinger: Weinermobile!
jlevinger: At the Capitol Barbecue Festival