j.lee43: subi montage
j.lee43: fire in the sky
j.lee43: gotcha
j.lee43: Day #21: starbucks or wine?
j.lee43: Day #18: movie night
j.lee43: Day #9: simply exhausted
j.lee43: Day #8: varying levels of procrastination
j.lee43: Day #5: me and my mii
j.lee43: Day #3: baby it's cold outside
j.lee43: subi attacks a christmas present
j.lee43: fiesta
j.lee43: montage: the wild & wonderful adventures of the floppy-eared flying subi
j.lee43: university of northern british columbia
j.lee43: feeling blue
j.lee43: hidden tear
j.lee43: montage: love overrides coolness
j.lee43: a work in progress
j.lee43: hunter's moon
j.lee43: montage: secret faces i make while having boring and pointless meetings with the boss
j.lee43: melissa with 'tude
j.lee43: self-reflecting via my glass of wine
j.lee43: little early for halloween
j.lee43: montage: sides of myself
j.lee43: jlee + bangs = rocker chick
j.lee43: montage: soul sucking work
j.lee43: through the tracks