Jorge Lascar: Corridor of Sphinxes leading to the first pylon - Karnak: The largest ancient religious site of the world
Jorge Lascar: Statue of Ramesses II with his daughter, Princess Bint-Anta between his legs flanks the second pylon
Jorge Lascar: Massive central 21m. high columns with open-bud papyrus flowers and the raised reliefs of Ramses before Amen - Hypostyle Hall. On the background, the Hapshetsut obelisk
Jorge Lascar: Impressive central 21m. columns (open papyrus flower capitals) - Hypostyle Hall
Jorge Lascar: Statues of Ramses II as Osiris
Jorge Lascar: Corridor of Sphinxes looking back from the first pylon - Karnak Temple Complex
Jorge Lascar: Corridor of Sphinxes leading to the first pylon Karnak Temple Complex
Jorge Lascar: Corridor of Sphinxes leading to the first pylon Karnak Temple Complex
Jorge Lascar: First pylon of the Amun-Re temple entrance - Karnak Temple
Jorge Lascar: Kiosk of Taharka column and the second pylon towards the Hypostyle Hall - Karnak Temple Complex
Jorge Lascar: Bark shrines of Seti II at the left of the entrance of the first pylon - Karnak Complex
Jorge Lascar: Shrine of Ramses III
Jorge Lascar: Entrance and central nave of the Hypostyle Hall with its impressive 21m columns and the Hapshetsut obelisk on the background
Jorge Lascar: The Taharqo kiosk - Single 21m. column remaining of the original 10 (5 on each side)
Jorge Lascar: Egyptian hieroglyphs
Jorge Lascar: Egyptian hieroglyphs - The oval cartouche of the left was used by Ramses II
Jorge Lascar: Row of the smaller 12m. high columns with closed-bud papyrus capitals - Hypostyle Hall
Jorge Lascar: Akh-menu
Jorge Lascar: The Courtyard of the Cachette where the French archaeologist G. Legrain discovered 20,000 statues
Jorge Lascar: Obelisk of Thutmose I- The smallest of the two remaining obelisks. Each face has three lines of inscriptions
Jorge Lascar: Egyptian hieroglyphs
Jorge Lascar: The only two standing obelisks on Karnak - Hatshepsut and Thutmose
Jorge Lascar: Obelisk of Hatshepsut, the tallest standing in Egypt. Can be identified by its single line of inscriptions
Jorge Lascar: Obelisk of Hatshepsutt, the tallest standing on Karnak today and the Obelisk of Thutmose I behind
Jorge Lascar: Smaller 12m high columns with closed-bud papyrus capitals. Cartouche on the right column - Hypostyle Hall - Karnak
Jorge Lascar: Smaller 12m high columns with closed-bud papyrus capitals - Hypostyle Hall - Karnak