Jorge Lascar: The spectacular and very high natural fault of al-Sīq, the grand caravan entrance into Petra (The Siq)
Jorge Lascar: Al Khazneh (The Treasury)
Jorge Lascar: The Monastery (Ad Deir) and few tourists that show the size of the building
Jorge Lascar: Wadi Musa at dusk
Jorge Lascar: The Palace Tomb, Corinthian Tomb, The Silk Tomb on the background
Jorge Lascar: Zigzagging stairs to The Garden Hall
Jorge Lascar: Basic store selling drinks
Jorge Lascar: al-Sīq (The Siq)
Jorge Lascar: Beautiful red coloration reflecting on the façade
Jorge Lascar: The tombs of the Street of Façades
Jorge Lascar: Beautiful layered stones
Jorge Lascar: The Monastery - Ad Deir
Jorge Lascar: al-Sīq (The Siq)
Jorge Lascar: The Palace Tomb, Corinthian Tomb, The Silk Tumb
Jorge Lascar: Carved stairs
Jorge Lascar: The Soldier Tomb
Jorge Lascar: The Monastery - Ad Deir
Jorge Lascar: The Monastery - Ad Deir
Jorge Lascar: View from the High Place of Sacrifice
Jorge Lascar: HDR picture of the tombs
Jorge Lascar: The tombs of the Street of Façades
Jorge Lascar: Wadi Musa at dusk
Jorge Lascar: Carved stairs to climb to the High Place of Sacrifice
Jorge Lascar: View from the High Place of Sacrifice