Jorge Lascar: Ostriches, the largest (and fastest) living species of birds - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Leaping coke's hartebeest - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Burchell's Zebras - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Giraffe - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Feeding a giraffe - Giraffe Centre
Jorge Lascar: Warthog - Giraffe Centre
Jorge Lascar: Two warthogs cross the footpath just in front - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Vultures and other birds around a water pond - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Olive Baboon - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: African Buffalo - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Nairobi's skyline from Uhuru Park
Jorge Lascar: The Maasai dancing Adumu
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - My first flight in a turboprop (a jet engine that drives a propeller). Startup of the Precision Air's ATR 42, powered by PW121
Jorge Lascar: Kenyatta International Conference Center
Jorge Lascar: Detail of the unique auditorium - Kenyatta International Conference Center
Jorge Lascar: Nyayo Monument - Central Park
Jorge Lascar: Jeevanjee Gardens
Jorge Lascar: Street in Nairobi
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - Big birds around an Oasis - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: Nairobi city hall and clock tower
Jorge Lascar: Parliament building entrance
Jorge Lascar: An example of commensalism - A zebra and an egret
Jorge Lascar: Warthog - Giraffe Centre
Jorge Lascar: Rüppell's Vulture - Nairobi National Park
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - Tribe percussionists play great live music
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - The Massai dancing
Jorge Lascar: Feeding a giraffe - Giraffe Centre