Jorge Lascar: "Past and Future" - The Tian'anmen from the Tiananmen Square
Jorge Lascar: The Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: The Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: The Meridian Gate
Jorge Lascar: Back of the Meridian Gate - Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: The Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: The Great Wall of China
Jorge Lascar: The Great Wall of China
Jorge Lascar: Mausoleum of Mao Zedong
Jorge Lascar: The Qianmen archery tower - Tiananmen Square
Jorge Lascar: Lama Temple
Jorge Lascar: Monument to the People's Heroes - Tiananmen Square
Jorge Lascar: The Beijing National Aquatics Center (Water Cube)
Jorge Lascar: National Centre for the Performing Arts (The Egg)
Jorge Lascar: Beijing National Stadium (Bird's nest)
Jorge Lascar: Beijing National Stadium (Bird's nest)
Jorge Lascar: Beijing National Stadium (Bird's nest)
Jorge Lascar: The Monument to the People's Heroes and the Great Hall of the People
Jorge Lascar: Terminal 3 - Beijing Capital International Airport
Jorge Lascar: Terminal 3 - Beijing Capital International Airport
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - Bicycle ride through the Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: Skewered scorpions, snakes, starfish, seahorses, lizards and caterpillars
Jorge Lascar: Scorpion and starfish skewers for sale
Jorge Lascar: VIDEO - Live scorpion skewers and other unusual Chinese delicatessens
Jorge Lascar: Trying roasted grasshopper skewers
Jorge Lascar: Trying roasted scorpion skewers
Jorge Lascar: Bicycle ride
Jorge Lascar: The Forbidden City
Jorge Lascar: The Ming Dynasty Tombs
Jorge Lascar: Imperial Garden - Forbidden City