JKLsemi: 213: Pursuit of Happiness
JKLsemi: Dangly
JKLsemi: 208: Little Darlin'
JKLsemi: 201: It's just been so humid lately
JKLsemi: 200: Distant Thunder
JKLsemi: My Tiny Toad, Alternate Take
JKLsemi: 20 of 20: The Pennsylvania Railroad
JKLsemi: 19 of 20: Pigeonholed
JKLsemi: 17 of 20: Red
JKLsemi: 11 of 20: 5006
JKLsemi: 197: The one thing reminds me of another thing
JKLsemi: Emergence
JKLsemi: 193: S
JKLsemi: Portrait of a Black Bear
JKLsemi: 189: Good sleepers make good neighbors
JKLsemi: 186: Self-Similarity
JKLsemi: 185: Ties that Bind
JKLsemi: New Teasel, Morning Light
JKLsemi: 184: Restful Leg Syndrome
JKLsemi: Full sweep
JKLsemi: 181: Playthings
JKLsemi: 180: All we can do is process the data
JKLsemi: 178: A bad case of baby-mouth
JKLsemi: Construction Continues
JKLsemi: 173: Just one of the irregular regulars
JKLsemi: 166: Curly Curtains
JKLsemi: Beach-y Glass on the Mantle
JKLsemi: Shadows and Light
JKLsemi: Great Egret in Flight
JKLsemi: Sea Bouquet