JKLsemi: Fish-eye view of the polar bear
JKLsemi: Keeping an eye on us
JKLsemi: Fierce
JKLsemi: Rockin' 'n' Rollin'
JKLsemi: Arc
JKLsemi: Beaming
JKLsemi: Looking for the escape route
JKLsemi: Seconds away from jumping
JKLsemi: JMK makes "hammock" a verb
JKLsemi: House wren sings from the tree
JKLsemi: House wren between songs
JKLsemi: The sing-iest bird in the yard
JKLsemi: Toad!
JKLsemi: JMK washes a hammer stone
JKLsemi: Leather Kitten
JKLsemi: Tandy Leather Factory
JKLsemi: Intricacies
JKLsemi: He'd always suspected the Joneses were up to something
JKLsemi: The coast is clear
JKLsemi: Wrenning
JKLsemi: Too many mouth-parts
JKLsemi: Actually, I will pick you up
JKLsemi: Bonus Wren
JKLsemi: I don't know what's going on
JKLsemi: Any excuse to take a break from the uphill
JKLsemi: The Bees' Knees
JKLsemi: Ankle Biters
JKLsemi: Time to move on
JKLsemi: The up-side of summer
JKLsemi: Same killdeer, a little later