JKLsemi: Surveying the rocky, windy shore
JKLsemi: Yaaarrrgh!
JKLsemi: There were signs of foul play
JKLsemi: Lunch doesn't want to be lunch
JKLsemi: October Oyster Catchers
JKLsemi: Returning looks a lot like leaving
JKLsemi: Leaf Peepers
JKLsemi: Right of Way
JKLsemi: Beaming
JKLsemi: Layers of Autumn
JKLsemi: Gregor Samsa takes up the bicycle
JKLsemi: Too hungry for a clever title
JKLsemi: Mid-October Owl
JKLsemi: Hieroglyphs
JKLsemi: Small Fruit
JKLsemi: Again with the stairs
JKLsemi: Meeting Ninja silences the angriest elephant
JKLsemi: Stormy Weather
JKLsemi: Mitsu enjoys a little window shopping
JKLsemi: Kookaburra, Homicidal Maniac
JKLsemi: What's good for the goose
JKLsemi: They've made remarkable progress with sharing
JKLsemi: High Rise
JKLsemi: Stung
JKLsemi: The Halloween Train
JKLsemi: Zombie Baby knows how to party
JKLsemi: We welcome our kitten overlords
JKLsemi: He always loved visiting Equinox Island
JKLsemi: Battening down the hatches
JKLsemi: Homemade Herb Bread