JKLsemi: Lady of the house at home?
JKLsemi: Lewis bowled everyone over with his hospitality
JKLsemi: He was always so damn punctual
JKLsemi: He hated travelling in economy class
JKLsemi: Home is where you hang your hat
JKLsemi: The trail was very well blazed
JKLsemi: They were old hands at camping
JKLsemi: Neither rain, nor snow, nor mountain
JKLsemi: If we could walk that way
JKLsemi: On the plus side, the trail was well-maintained
JKLsemi: He had a way with cats
JKLsemi: He was really a perfect gentleman
JKLsemi: Not exactly mass transit
JKLsemi: She still had a few tricks up her sleeve
JKLsemi: Dr Smith specialized in gigantic waterfowl
JKLsemi: Is Miller's Hardware east or west?
JKLsemi: With the reception I'm getting, might as well be Timbuktu
JKLsemi: Shhh! It's the black-headed peanut warbler!
JKLsemi: The Dowager Countess had hoped for more cake
JKLsemi: You can see Spring from here
JKLsemi: No one's talking about the elephant in the room
JKLsemi: It was nice to see her get back into her shell
JKLsemi: The horizon never gets any closer
JKLsemi: She always wanted to have minions
JKLsemi: Let's get this thing turned around
JKLsemi: He worked hard for the shot
JKLsemi: At least now it's a fair fight
JKLsemi: He'd begun to think the directions were wrong
JKLsemi: She'd ridden too far from home
JKLsemi: Huzzah for rain on Earth Day!