JKLsemi: A gorgeous Spring morning
JKLsemi: Slate Run Sandhill Cranes
JKLsemi: Lone Sandhill Crane
JKLsemi: Slate Run Sandhill Cranes: We've got to stop meeting like this
JKLsemi: Sandhill Crane Family
JKLsemi: Bringing up the rear
JKLsemi: Walk like an Egyptian, baby-crane-style
JKLsemi: Stick close to momma (or poppa, as the case may be)
JKLsemi: The crane family
JKLsemi: Stealthy and camouflaged
JKLsemi: Stalking reed-ward
JKLsemi: One parent and baby
JKLsemi: Colt 45
JKLsemi: Keeping an eye out
JKLsemi: Time to move on
JKLsemi: An awkward age
JKLsemi: The family that forages together
JKLsemi: Teenage Attention Span
JKLsemi: Elegant
JKLsemi: The fog lifts
JKLsemi: The Famous Cranes
JKLsemi: Young Punk
JKLsemi: No Trespassing or Hunting
JKLsemi: Cranes & Cattails
JKLsemi: Good ol' Sandy
JKLsemi: Craning
JKLsemi: Crane & Killdeer, Esq.
JKLsemi: Sandhills!
JKLsemi: Under the Wire
JKLsemi: Spring Fever meets Saturday Night Fever