JKLsemi: Fog Along the Curves of New York
JKLsemi: Fog in the Hills of New York
JKLsemi: Sturbridge Toll
JKLsemi: Like the Song
JKLsemi: It's holding up pretty well for a bridge that's apparently been dead for 74 years
JKLsemi: On Deck
JKLsemi: Too cheap to spend the quarter for a clearer view
JKLsemi: Ocean Park
JKLsemi: It's not quite The Season yet
JKLsemi: It's Day 2 of our vacation.
JKLsemi: Keep off Jetty
JKLsemi: First dinner on island
JKLsemi: Moped Rental
JKLsemi: Captain hoped the rain would subside.
JKLsemi: Captain surveys his vast vineyard empire.
JKLsemi: JMK peruses the Gazette
JKLsemi: Rainy rain rain
JKLsemi: Home is the stuff you drag with you everywhere you go
JKLsemi: Farm Pond
JKLsemi: After the Rain
JKLsemi: Be Prepared to Back Out
JKLsemi: Emergency Use Only
JKLsemi: The Farm Pond trail was positively littered with slugs
JKLsemi: It's a Bunny!
JKLsemi: Did I already mention that it was rainy?
JKLsemi: Swan's Wake
JKLsemi: Red-Winged Blackbird
JKLsemi: Sally Forth at the Dock
JKLsemi: Irises