JKLsemi: Captain tried to avoid the sirens.
JKLsemi: Captain effortlessly subdued a giant loon.
JKLsemi: Captain sat for a formal portrait.
JKLsemi: Captain came out of his shell.
JKLsemi: Captain got into a good book.
JKLsemi: The ladies had some other ideas.
JKLsemi: Sometimes, Captain wanted to be alone.
JKLsemi: Captain liked to commune with nature.
JKLsemi: Captain hoped to save them all.
JKLsemi: Captain was apprehensive about modern dance
JKLsemi: Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes.
JKLsemi: For some reason, Captain felt responsible.
JKLsemi: Scenic vistas drew Captain to them.
JKLsemi: Captain struggled to resist forbidden fruit.
JKLsemi: Property rights proved intriguing to Captain.
JKLsemi: Captain felt unequal to the task.
JKLsemi: Captain's taste in sculpture was traditional.
JKLsemi: Nothing could slake Captain's enormous thirst
JKLsemi: Captain was never a pretty boy.
JKLsemi: Captain always slept late on vacation.
JKLsemi: Houston, the Captain has landed -- over!
JKLsemi: Captain no longer had the key.
JKLsemi: Captain hoped the rain would subside.
JKLsemi: Captain surveys his vast vineyard empire.
JKLsemi: Captain took in the sweeping view.
JKLsemi: Captain prefers others do the hiking.
JKLsemi: What was in there, Captain wondered.
JKLsemi: Captain sought shade under towering trees
JKLsemi: All things cower before the Captain.
JKLsemi: Then she said, "Klaatu barada nikto?"