JKLsemi: Speedy Roads, Scary Clouds
JKLsemi: Ominous Clouds
JKLsemi: Correctional Facility Area - Do Not Stop
JKLsemi: On the deck of The Islander ferry
JKLsemi: Dedicated Photographer
JKLsemi: Convergence of Parallel Lines
JKLsemi: Opposite Partners
JKLsemi: South end of a north-bound gull
JKLsemi: A Lovely Beach Day
JKLsemi: Stuck between a rock and ... the Atlantic Ocean
JKLsemi: JMK @ 2:00
JKLsemi: Blowin' in the Wind
JKLsemi: The only worthwhile shot in an attempted Pine Cone series
JKLsemi: Eileen Blake's Pies & Otherwise: Open!
JKLsemi: Gull Watch
JKLsemi: How the other half lives
JKLsemi: Convergence of Parallel Lines 2
JKLsemi: Zoom!
JKLsemi: We're making the eiderducks nervous
JKLsemi: Semi-Palmated Plover
JKLsemi: Broken Windmill
JKLsemi: Stiff Wind
JKLsemi: Lighthouse Schwa
JKLsemi: There was a big wasp nest at the top
JKLsemi: Fishing Egret
JKLsemi: Fishing Person
JKLsemi: Overlooking the Dock
JKLsemi: Oyster Catcher in the Surf
JKLsemi: Steps