JKLsemi: Little Purple Coneflower Bee
JKLsemi: Pine Cone Choreography 1
JKLsemi: Pine Cone Choreography 2
JKLsemi: Pine Cone Choreography 3
JKLsemi: Butterfly on Butterfly Weed
JKLsemi: Yellow Flower
JKLsemi: Thistle Thing
JKLsemi: Hazy Ohio
JKLsemi: Dragonfly Perch
JKLsemi: Canal Locks in Lockville Park
JKLsemi: Puff
JKLsemi: Happy Daisies
JKLsemi: Daisy Extravaganxa
JKLsemi: Corona
JKLsemi: Columbus Skyline
JKLsemi: JMK Checks the GPS
JKLsemi: Still Winter
JKLsemi: Everyone's into condos these days
JKLsemi: Baby bunny!
JKLsemi: The view is tweeted.
JKLsemi: Invisible Cities
JKLsemi: All things cower before the Captain.
JKLsemi: JMK shoots Columbus
JKLsemi: Summer is Cicada Time
JKLsemi: So much to be thankful for