JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: 2/365 - American Goldfinch In A Winter Storm
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: 6/365 - I'm Going To Need A Taller Ruler
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Only Duck Around ... And A Beauty
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Osprey - Welcome Back to Michigan
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Kirtland's Warbler In The Jack Pines
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Osprey Watch of Southeast Michigan
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Osprey of Pointe Mouillee (Female)
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: American White Pelicans at Pointe Mouillee
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Pine Warbler In The Purple Coneflowers
JKissnHug - Getting Back to Birding & Photography: Daniel the Osprey, wearing his backpack tracking transmitter