jkenning: view from the bus into south bend
jkenning: watching the game at the salmons'
jkenning: dessert at the salmons'
jkenning: giant portions at barbici w/ lisa
jkenning: whoa, nd. really?
jkenning: it's always fun to play "what did nd put their logo on now?"
jkenning: the sportula won
jkenning: golfing lawn gnome
jkenning: hammocks
jkenning: pixel actually wants some nd gear
jkenning: these seemed ridiculous in september, but practical in november
jkenning: yeehaw
jkenning: mary's first fiddler's trip
jkenning: music at fiddler's hearth
jkenning: jack and catherine
jkenning: abigail's sweet ride
jkenning: joe and abigail hanging out on the porch
jkenning: joe and abigail hanging out on the porch
jkenning: flowers at the connollys'
jkenning: rocky river
jkenning: rocky river
jkenning: turtle cheesecake for my brithday!
jkenning: laura and her cheesecake
jkenning: cocktail at the mark
jkenning: laura is not camera shy
jkenning: cocktails at the mark
jkenning: laurabomb
jkenning: me and laura at the mark
jkenning: mary, margaret and lisa
jkenning: mary, margaret, lisa