jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: view from rebecca's apartment
jkenning: rebecca posing with the statue lady
jkenning: rebecca imitating the statue lady
jkenning: boston commons
jkenning: boston commons
jkenning: shakespeare in the park
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: rebecca with the cookies i sent
jkenning: jessica's poster presentation
jkenning: martin's poster presentation
jkenning: lobster roll
jkenning: lunch with classmates
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: working on his presentation
jkenning: selfie with sam adams
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: greg's trip to boston for jsm
jkenning: drink: you tell them what you like, and they make you a drink
jkenning: rebecca's roomate, lourdes, at drink
jkenning: drink
jkenning: drink
jkenning: nautical store in downtown boston
jkenning: nautical store in downtown boston