jkenning: valentine's for greg
jkenning: happy valentine's day to us!
jkenning: valentine kitty
jkenning: valentine kitty
jkenning: king of the pool
jkenning: a nice shady spot to work
jkenning: "our" pool
jkenning: cookies from my mama
jkenning: these birds have the most incredible feet!
jkenning: my friend the mud hen
jkenning: hanging out with a few birds
jkenning: birds and sunset at lake balboa park
jkenning: birds and sunset at lake balboa park
jkenning: birds and sunset at lake balboa park
jkenning: bird pick tea
jkenning: bird pick tea
jkenning: bird pick tea
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: $10 posters
jkenning: magic tournament area
jkenning: trash can full of trading card wrappers
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: frank and son collectible show
jkenning: vineland drive-in
jkenning: drive-in double feature: lego movie
jkenning: drive-in double feature: gravity