jkenning: greg's uncle jim hosting 4th of july
jkenning: kerry and candy
jkenning: 4th of july in yuma
jkenning: jeret at the kid's table
jkenning: yuma 4th of july
jkenning: greg's uncle stan grilling
jkenning: me and kathy
jkenning: kendall and margo
jkenning: jim attaching lights to the roof for washoes
jkenning: tara and stanny
jkenning: teresa
jkenning: lexi, nikki, and becca
jkenning: lindsay and chris provided fireworks
jkenning: fireworks
jkenning: fireworks
jkenning: watching the fireworks
jkenning: watching the fireworks
jkenning: watching the fireworks
jkenning: fr. john
jkenning: fr john and greg
jkenning: drew
jkenning: sparklers!
jkenning: yuma 4th of july
jkenning: yuma 4th of july