jkenning: pesto from easter, found in father john's fridge
jkenning: greg grilling corn and hot dogs
jkenning: mary and jim
jkenning: fr. john
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: michael's prom
jkenning: the prom send-off committee
jkenning: fr. john and roku
jkenning: fr. john and roku
jkenning: jim, mary and margo
jkenning: watching the jets
jkenning: jets
jkenning: mary
jkenning: teresa gesturing
jkenning: jim gesturing
jkenning: choosing tile for fr. john's carpeted bathrooms
jkenning: choosing tile for fr. john's carpeted bathrooms
jkenning: turquoise buddies