jkenning: our house on easter
jkenning: roses by the front door
jkenning: new azaleas
jkenning: more easter roses
jkenning: this might be my second favorite of the roses
jkenning: before easter mass
jkenning: easter decorations at the watsons
jkenning: our dining table
jkenning: greg's dad making easter crosses
jkenning: greg learning how to make beef wellington
jkenning: greg and "his" wellington
jkenning: greg and "his" wellington
jkenning: kathy's flowers, all from the yard
jkenning: cheese bread, asparagus and salmon
jkenning: beef wellingtons
jkenning: food line
jkenning: steve serving the meat
jkenning: dante, ezra and noelle
jkenning: ezra
jkenning: backyard easter at the watsons
jkenning: noelle
jkenning: poppyseed cross cake
jkenning: ice cream lamb cake
jkenning: ice cream lamb cake
jkenning: puzzled by trivia
jkenning: greg with his mom and grandma
jkenning: trivia master
jkenning: phil giving jellybeans to dante
jkenning: dante
jkenning: grandpa chuck and steve