jkenning: a few pre-party photos
jkenning: emme <3 balloons
jkenning: emme <3 balloons
jkenning: husbands supervising
jkenning: miss emmerson grace, the birthday girl!
jkenning: emme and jill
jkenning: emme and jill
jkenning: phil, jill and the birthday girl
jkenning: emme
jkenning: emme
jkenning: kisses
jkenning: kisses
jkenning: godmom, mom and bday girl
jkenning: parents and godparents :)
jkenning: jill's mom julie, jill and emme
jkenning: david
jkenning: guests
jkenning: the sleepy birthday girl arrives at her party
jkenning: gabby and mike, us, kelley and david, jill, emme and phil
jkenning: jill and emme
jkenning: the hoffmans introducing guests
jkenning: jill giving emme her bday cupcake
jkenning: really, mom?!
jkenning: emme didn't know what to do
jkenning: emme and her bday cupcake
jkenning: lots more frosting dipping
jkenning: her daddy helped her get to the cake part
jkenning: birthday girl
jkenning: birthday girl