jkenning: helicopters landing at LAX
jkenning: helicopters landing at LAX
jkenning: helicopters landing at LAX
jkenning: our car and others being searched
jkenning: bomb dog
jkenning: marine one waiting for the president
jkenning: following our police escort — this was new
jkenning: scott and marine one
jkenning: waiting for the president
jkenning: all business
jkenning: greg and marine one
jkenning: arrival of air force one
jkenning: arrival of air force one
jkenning: arrival of air force one
jkenning: arrival of air force one
jkenning: the president waving
jkenning: the president
jkenning: the president and security
jkenning: the president and security
jkenning: the president
jkenning: the president
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: greg took this one of the president talking to me :)
jkenning: signing an autograph
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: obama greeting the crowd
jkenning: boarding marine one