jkenning: the chapel at brophy high school
jkenning: david and kelley talking with the wedding coordinator
jkenning: the groomsmen taking their job seriously
jkenning: all the gals
jkenning: david and best man paul
jkenning: greg and ty at the rehearsal dinner
jkenning: our table
jkenning: me and the gorgeous bride-to-be
jkenning: fr. tracy, david and rob
jkenning: david and his cousin's daughter
jkenning: greg and rob
jkenning: celebrating phil's bday at zipps
jkenning: brophy chapel
jkenning: the flower girl
jkenning: kelley and her dad
jkenning: kelley and her dad
jkenning: kelley, david and kevin
jkenning: kelley, david and kevin
jkenning: kelley's entrance
jkenning: the bridesmaids, bride and groom
jkenning: listening
jkenning: vows
jkenning: rings
jkenning: rings
jkenning: beginning of the vows
jkenning: sign of peace
jkenning: hail holy queen by kelley's sister
jkenning: kelley and david
jkenning: kelley and david
jkenning: kelley and david