jkenning: picnic in carpinteria
jkenning: dinner break on our way to san simeon
jkenning: a cool tree over our picnic table
jkenning: the hoffmans
jkenning: the hoffmans
jkenning: emme's first tooth came in this weekend!
jkenning: me and em
jkenning: emme's ready for bed
jkenning: race day! emme loves her daddy
jkenning: jill and phil before the half marathon
jkenning: pre-race
jkenning: me and greg before his half
jkenning: greg and phil pre-race
jkenning: stretching
jkenning: saying bye to phil
jkenning: a few more race pics from jill!
jkenning: slurping down energy gel
jkenning: me and jill
jkenning: the cheerleaders
jkenning: headed up the trail
jkenning: a modest starting line
jkenning: headed up the hill to cheer for the boys
jkenning: emme
jkenning: it's a very hilly course
jkenning: jill and emme
jkenning: view from the course
jkenning: the course
jkenning: our view of the runners crossing PCH to get to the start
jkenning: ready to cheer
jkenning: here come the half-marathoners