jkenning: "you may not play your trumpet here"
jkenning: we stumbled upon a celebration in the square
jkenning: they had a brass band! 50 ft from the horn sign :)
jkenning: feast day celebration at st. nazarius
jkenning: feast day celebration at st. nazarius
jkenning: greg was thrilled to be greeted with homemade slovenian food
jkenning: fish and bread
jkenning: st. nazarius bust
jkenning: inside the cathedral of st. nazarius
jkenning: da ponte fountain in prešeren square
jkenning: old city wall
jkenning: houses in the hills
jkenning: kung fu panda and the hangover in slovenian
jkenning: ikea-light-fixture looking fountain
jkenning: hooded crow
jkenning: watching a storm over the adriatic
jkenning: greg testing the water
jkenning: starting to sprinkle
jkenning: storm over the adriatic
jkenning: koper and the adriatic
jkenning: a sport we'd never seen before
jkenning: a sport we'd never seen before
jkenning: fountain
jkenning: bakery in koper
jkenning: kremšnita
jkenning: DSC_0163
jkenning: DSC_0164
jkenning: we have this over our door, too :)