jkenning: royce hall
jkenning: royce hall
jkenning: royce hall
jkenning: waiting for the graduates
jkenning: greg and the biostats grads at the front
jkenning: students and faculty
jkenning: dean of the school of public health
jkenning: director of the la county dept of health
jkenning: director of the la county dept of health
jkenning: robin and the chair of biostats, dr. cumberland
jkenning: cherry and dr. cumberland
jkenning: cherry and the dean
jkenning: greg
jkenning: greg
jkenning: greg and dr. cumberland
jkenning: greg and dr. cumberland
jkenning: greg and dr. cumberland
jkenning: greg and dr. cumberland
jkenning: greg and the dean
jkenning: greg and the dean
jkenning: greg and the dean
jkenning: greg
jkenning: greg
jkenning: conferring degrees
jkenning: education is learning to use the tools which the race has found indispensable
jkenning: ceiling in royce
jkenning: the graduate
jkenning: greg and dr. belin
jkenning: me and greg
jkenning: the graduate