jkenning: greg's birthday brunch from porto's bakery
jkenning: vacation quote
jkenning: board shorts
jkenning: how many guys does it take to open an umbrella?
jkenning: happy hour for greg's birthday
jkenning: at the 94th aero squadron
jkenning: david and natalie
jkenning: matching dawson brothers
jkenning: natalie and bj
jkenning: jose, carlos and stephen
jkenning: david, natalie and bj
jkenning: birthday boy
jkenning: just after the band sang to greg
jkenning: watching the planes land and take off
jkenning: me and natalie
jkenning: bj, me and natalie
jkenning: jose, carlos and stephen
jkenning: sunset over van nuys airport
jkenning: fun with the vehicles in front
jkenning: fun with the vehicles in front
jkenning: fun with the vehicles in front
jkenning: bday picnic
jkenning: bday picnic