jkenning: watsons in the strawberry fields triathlon
jkenning: brothers jim, jay and steve
jkenning: pre-swim
jkenning: strawberry cap
jkenning: jay, jim and steve
jkenning: family - phil
jkenning: elite and relays lined up
jkenning: steve
jkenning: steve, first leg of the relay
jkenning: steve
jkenning: steve
jkenning: steve
jkenning: jay lined up
jkenning: the women's wave
jkenning: women's wave
jkenning: steve finishing the swim
jkenning: steve
jkenning: steve
jkenning: jay, post-swim
jkenning: kim, post-swim
jkenning: kim in the transition area
jkenning: missie and fam at the transition area fence
jkenning: jim, second leg of the relay