jkenning: dallas, at last
jkenning: stephen is scared of pixel's claws (me too)
jkenning: hanging out in stephen's room
jkenning: pixel under jordan's bed
jkenning: university of dallas
jkenning: unfortunately, it's a little brown this time of year
jkenning: bell tower
jkenning: bell tower
jkenning: bell tower
jkenning: gregory hall
jkenning: windows and porch swings
jkenning: main quad
jkenning: giving ourselves a campus tour
jkenning: art building
jkenning: art building
jkenning: dorms
jkenning: in front of a dorm
jkenning: ud is near the (former?) cowboys stadium
jkenning: ugly cowboys stadium
jkenning: maria, kathleen and co. apartment
jkenning: our day 1 deluxe accommodations
jkenning: pixel loving all the new things to sniff
jkenning: kathleen and stephen in the girls' living room
jkenning: stephen gets their dog all wound up
jkenning: stephen and dante
jkenning: stephen and dante
jkenning: me and the hamster
jkenning: hamster!
jkenning: the 2 pets