jkenning: filming a swat team scene on the watsons' street
jkenning: filming a swat team scene on the watsons' street
jkenning: filming a swat team scene on the watsons' street
jkenning: trivia at springbok
jkenning: huge storage unit with most of our stuff
jkenning: scrabble
jkenning: dinner at the pie 'n burger
jkenning: a diner in pasadena
jkenning: stephen and ty
jkenning: us minus kathy
jkenning: yummm (the chocolate malt was also really good)
jkenning: crazy hybrid berry pie — ollallieberry
jkenning: pie on the counter
jkenning: pro poker player iceman at commerce casino
jkenning: in-n-out
jkenning: ty playing cribbage
jkenning: smoking car
jkenning: seed prices, left to right: $5.59, $5.89, $0.69
jkenning: we made cheeseburger cupcakes
jkenning: cheeseburger cupcakes
jkenning: me and my cheeseburger cuppycake
jkenning: cupcake inside
jkenning: a double for stephen
jkenning: steve and paul
jkenning: steve on top of the storage unit
jkenning: it takes 6 people to lift a trailer over their heads
jkenning: the trailer was trapped behind the storage unit in the driveway
jkenning: paul, greg, stephen, joaquin
jkenning: champagne brunch at marie callendar's
jkenning: greg and his watermelon