bashkin001: Jan 13 2009_1121_edited-1
bashkin001: IMG00016_edited-1
bashkin001: IMG00014_edited-1
bashkin001: Jan 13 2009_1130
bashkin001: Jan 13 2009_1129_edited-1
bashkin001: Jan 13 2009_1128 copy
bashkin001: Brian Moore Quilted
bashkin001: 07 30 08_0492 Kevin Taylor Conducts
bashkin001: IMGP0376 Baby Blues Showcase, BB's Jazz Blues & Soups, University City Jazz Big Band
bashkin001: IMGP0370 University City Jazz Big Band- it's BB's, not Smokey Joe's
bashkin001: IMGP0351 Sound Check, BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
bashkin001: IMGP0348 Calm before the jazz
bashkin001: IMGP0347 Calm before the jazz 2
bashkin001: PB261086 BB's Jazz, Blues and Soups
bashkin001: PB261086
bashkin001: PB261086_edited BB's Jazz, Blues and Soups- St. Louis
bashkin001: IMG00005-20100110-1551
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: legendary MARCEL STRONG and the APOSTLES
bashkin001: MidAmerica Guitar Camp 2010
bashkin001: MidAmerica Guitar Camp 2010
bashkin001: MidAmerica Guitar Camp 2010
bashkin001: MidAmerica Guitar Camp 2010
bashkin001: MidAmerica Guitar Camp 2010
bashkin001: IMG00007-20100110-1553 b
bashkin001: Woman holding beer twirled a hula hoop with the beer on her head. For about 45 minutes.