bashkin001: 1472951969_89a10a5913_m
bashkin001: 1472950105_7a1338fa2b_m A Collage of Middle School Fundraising Gear
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bashkin001: IMG_1486 New Middle School Marquee, University City
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bashkin001: IMG_1483 Stanley Coleman leads the Brittany Woods Marching Band, University City, Missouri
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bashkin001: PB261086
bashkin001: PB261086_edited BB's Jazz, Blues and Soups- St. Louis
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bashkin001: PA071057 color balanced
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bashkin001: IMGP0266 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly
bashkin001: IMGP0265 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly
bashkin001: IMGP0263 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly 2007
bashkin001: IMGP0259 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly
bashkin001: IMGP0254 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly
bashkin001: IMGP0253 Brittany Woods Middle School Honors Assembly