ZETA Productions: Ode to Henri (sans filter/fx)
ZETA Productions: Blue Hue Lily
ZETA Productions: Feeling Rosey
ZETA Productions: "We are stardust..."
ZETA Productions: "Open visual link."
ZETA Productions: Genesis Mothership
ZETA Productions: Into the Breach
ZETA Productions: "Who are you, with such command?"
ZETA Productions: Waiting for Lightning
ZETA Productions: "Oh you pretty things..."
ZETA Productions: Reflections y Ripples
ZETA Productions: Gata Uber-Hipster
ZETA Productions: Echo-Cali
ZETA Productions: Fade In Stage Left
ZETA Productions: "Un Tiens vaut mieux que deux Tu l’auras"
ZETA Productions: "Echo Park Lake" - bw vertical