JJZ: Seagull in Flight
JJZ: GTI 337
JJZ: Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
JJZ: First Transcontiental Telephone Line- Historic site in Utah!
JJZ: Armstrong Redwoods
JJZ: Welcome to Wyoming!
JJZ: Tucson, AZ
JJZ: Zabriski Point
JJZ: El Mal Pais Sunset
JJZ: Firehole Canyon at Flaming Gorge, Wyoming
JJZ: Firehole Canyon at Flaming Gorge
JJZ: GTI 337 Nebraska
JJZ: On the Verge
JJZ: Washington Island, Door County WI
JJZ: Lake Michigan
JJZ: Waterfall
JJZ: Waterfall
JJZ: Waterfall
JJZ: GTI 337 Ozarks, Arkansas
JJZ: Beale St. Juke Joint, Memphis TN
JJZ: Roadside View, New Mexico
JJZ: GTI 337 Devil's Den, AK
JJZ: Roadside Horses
JJZ: Carson National Forest, New Mexico
JJZ: GTI 337 Carson Forest, NM
JJZ: Taos, New Mexico
JJZ: GTI 337 Ice Cave and Bandera Volcano
JJZ: Canyon deChelly, AZ
JJZ: GTI 337 Death Valley NP
JJZ: Petrified Wood, Desert Floor