John Willoughby: Elphick equalises
John Willoughby: Teams take to the field
John Willoughby: Go on...
John Willoughby: Going in 1-1 at half time
John Willoughby: Wasted opportunity
John Willoughby: Villa pressure, Kuipers saves...
John Willoughby: Albion press for an equaliser
John Willoughby: Catching the 0659 to Paddington
John Willoughby: Train to Brum
John Willoughby: The Wellington
John Willoughby: The Wellington
John Willoughby: Waterloo St, Birmingham
John Willoughby: Birmingham
John Willoughby: Birmingham
John Willoughby: Birmingham
John Willoughby: Birmingham
John Willoughby: Golden Wonder
John Willoughby: The Walkabout
John Willoughby: The Walkabout
John Willoughby: From the taxi window
John Willoughby: Taxi to Villa Park
John Willoughby: From the taxi window
John Willoughby: From the taxi window
John Willoughby: From the taxi window
John Willoughby: From the taxi window
John Willoughby: Half and halfs
John Willoughby: Witton Lane
John Willoughby: Aston Villa Football Club