-murdoc (Maybe trading): Want some stickers? Tradesies?
-murdoc (Maybe trading): finished. all cut.
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Combo going up soon
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Haven't uploaded anything in a while
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Kwad (Part One)
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Kwad (part Two)
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Kwad (Part Three)
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Combo put together by Rellik
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Rubi (PART 1)
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Rubi (PART 2)
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Part of pack for Kwad
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Part of pack for Kwad
-murdoc (Maybe trading): part of pack for Rubi Majikoa
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Little combo I put together today while on my morning run: murdoc,dcoi,beryl,thatkidphone,invi,gats,starpig,ms.elmar,tlc,lucydreads
-murdoc (Maybe trading): Pack from Ms.Elmar 1/4