jjs08: Look who I see...a Porcupine in a tree!
jjs08: Iguana
jjs08: A Big Snail
jjs08: Oh....NO you didn't!!!!
jjs08: You've been goosed!!!!!
jjs08: The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.
jjs08: Small lizard in El Yunque National forest
jjs08: Big Horn Sheep
jjs08: I thought those humans were supposed to hibernate in those big houses in the Winter
jjs08: The Vulcan Swan Pinch
jjs08: Duck Tree
jjs08: behold the beauty of South Dakota
jjs08: The sights of Minnesota
jjs08: I'm Foxy
jjs08: White Prairie Dog
jjs08: Bighorn Sheep
jjs08: Do you ever get that feeling you're being watched....
jjs08: The ConDucktor ♪♫♪♫
jjs08: Baby Cedar Waxwings
jjs08: Little Downy Woodpecker