Alice and Alan: IMG_7303
Alice and Alan: Lady Bug
Alice and Alan: 要得胡子都掉了
Alice and Alan: IMG_7316
Alice and Alan: IMG_7336
Alice and Alan: IMG_7342
Alice and Alan: IMG_7334
Alice and Alan: IMG_7364
Alice and Alan: IMG_7367
Alice and Alan: 海滩归来
Alice and Alan: 两个宝在喝"banana mama"
Alice and Alan: 缺牙也灿烂
Alice and Alan: 泳装模特
Alice and Alan: 运动装模特
Alice and Alan: 快出来谢幕~~
Alice and Alan: 还各得一顶帽子作为奖品
Alice and Alan: 神气的Fashion Show小演员们
Alice and Alan: 深受群众喜爱留影的歪脖子树
Alice and Alan: 住的海滨小楼
Alice and Alan: 欺负姐姐
Alice and Alan: IMG_7484
Alice and Alan: 配合的和不配合的
Alice and Alan: IMG_2903
Alice and Alan: IMG_2908
Alice and Alan: 多姿的
Alice and Alan: 一照相就作怪相可咋办