Alice and Alan: 过年放炮仗
Alice and Alan: Alice lost her first tooth today!!
Alice and Alan: 一个很绿的人
Alice and Alan: 缺牙婆婆
Alice and Alan: 得意的show
Alice and Alan: 生怕你看不见
Alice and Alan: 抿起来就看不见啦 :)
Alice and Alan: 老妈俺给decorate的Tshirt
Alice and Alan: 上学一百天 (100 days at school)
Alice and Alan: 小妞上跳舞课
Alice and Alan: 踢踏舞
Alice and Alan: New pajamas
Alice and Alan: 似笑非笑
Alice and Alan: 姐姐写了一白板的字儿
Alice and Alan: 弟弟也过来凑热闹
Alice and Alan: 小师生俩亲密合个影儿
Alice and Alan: 最佳baby sitter
Alice and Alan: 能干宝
Alice and Alan: 真的都是自己管自己行李