Alice and Alan: Alice弹的野路子的送别
Alice and Alan: 大红花
Alice and Alan: 新春红人
Alice and Alan: 两个圆圆脸
Alice and Alan: 中国娃
Alice and Alan: 拜年了~~
Alice and Alan: 祝大家新的一年身体健康, 多财多福~~!
Alice and Alan: 三个红孩儿
Alice and Alan: 三宝闹春
Alice and Alan: 新春大吉
Alice and Alan: 笑口常开
Alice and Alan: 格格和贝勒
Alice and Alan: 头比姐姐还大
Alice and Alan: 等饭吃
Alice and Alan: 看我涂得多好
Alice and Alan: 努力吃饭中
Alice and Alan: Enjoying pizza
Alice and Alan: I love coloring
Alice and Alan: 傻乎乎
Alice and Alan: 更衣室美女
Alice and Alan: 泳队明星
Alice and Alan: 接受指导
Alice and Alan: 我不怕水了哦
Alice and Alan: 碧波荡漾
Alice and Alan: 小福星
Alice and Alan: 学校开春节暨情人节party
Alice and Alan: 刷牙也芙蓉