Alice and Alan: 姐姐帮忙吹蜡烛
Alice and Alan: 生日饭
Alice and Alan: 可喜欢这个妹妹了
Alice and Alan: 会自己别发卡了 :)
Alice and Alan: The proud architect
Alice and Alan: 姐弟淘
Alice and Alan: 黑妹牙膏广告....
Alice and Alan: 有没有点点像谈阿三?
Alice and Alan: 做木工活儿
Alice and Alan: Home Depot Kids Workshop
Alice and Alan: 锤子太重了...
Alice and Alan: 围裙上的名字是自己写的
Alice and Alan: 成果展示
Alice and Alan: 大头又凑过来了~~
Alice and Alan: 芭蕾pose
Alice and Alan: 两个小骑士
Alice and Alan: Monkey bar 狂人
Alice and Alan: 姐弟俩一起荡秋千
Alice and Alan: 小小走路熟练工
Alice and Alan: 吐舌头
Alice and Alan: Crazy hair
Alice and Alan: 被挟持的弟弟
Alice and Alan: 戴发卡
Alice and Alan: 高层螺旋滑梯
Alice and Alan: 像个小狮子一样
Alice and Alan: 非常可乐
Alice and Alan: 再来两张爆炸头
Alice and Alan: 芙蓉托腮
Alice and Alan: 洗完澡主动要求照相